H. Kalasz*, T. Bartok, R. Komoroczy, E. Szoko, D. Haberle, J.P. Kiss, E.C.P. Hennings, K. Magyar and S. Furst Pages 271 - 278 ( 8 )
Methylamphetamine and amphetamine, the two major metabolites of deprenyl in the rat brain were analyzed using HPLC method combined with electrospray-mass spectrometer. (-)-Deprenyl and (+) deprenyl were orally administered to rats either in a single dose of 10 mg/kg, or three times a week for three weeks. The metabolites were determined in four different parts of the rat brain, such as in the frontal cortex, corpus striatum, hippocampus, and hypophysis. The ratio of methylamphetamine to amphetamine was also compared after (-)-deprenyl and(+) deprenyl treatments.