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Research Article

iACVP-MR: Accurate Identification of Anti-coronavirus Peptide based on Multiple Features Information and Recurrent Neural Network

[ Vol. 32 , Issue. 10 ]


Yunyun Liang*, Xinyan Ma, Jin Li and Shengli Zhang*   Pages 2055 - 2067 ( 13 )


Background: Over the years, viruses have caused human illness and threatened human health. Therefore, it is pressing to develop anti-coronavirus infection drugs with clear function, low cost, and high safety. Anti-coronavirus peptide (ACVP) is a key therapeutic agent against coronavirus. Traditional methods for finding ACVP need a great deal of money and man power. Hence, it is a significant task to establish intelligent computational tools to able rapid, efficient and accurate identification of ACVP.

Methods: In this paper, we construct an excellent model named iACVP-MR to identify ACVP based on multiple features and recurrent neural networks. Multiple features are extracted by using reduced amino acid component and dipeptide component, compositions of k-spaced amino acid pairs, BLOSUM62 encoder according to the N5C5 sequence, as well as second-order moving average approach based on 16 physicochemical properties. Then, two recurrent neural networks named long-short term memory (LSTM) and bidirectional gated recurrent unit (BiGRU) combined attention mechanism are used for feature fusion and classification, respectively.

Results: The accuracies of ENNAVIA-C and ENNAVIA-D datasets under the 10-fold cross-validation are 99.15% and 98.92%, respectively, and other evaluation indexes have also obtained satisfactory results. The experimental results show that our model is superior to other existing models.

Conclusion: The iACVP-MR model can be viewed as a powerful and intelligent tool for the accurate identification of ACVP. The datasets and source codes for iACVP-MR are freely downloaded at


Anti-coronavirus peptide, multiple features, recurrent neural network, long-short term memory, bidirectional gated recurrent unit, attention mechanism.


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