Larisa Litvinova, Maria Vulf*, Kristina Yurova, Olga Khaziakhmatova, Vladimir Malashchenko, Maria Bograya, Ivan Kozlov and Natalia Todosenko Pages 1 - 22 ( 22 )
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a complex of serious pathologies with a high prevalence worldwide. Disruption of mitochondrial biogenesis and its interaction with other cell organelles plays an important role in the development of MetS. Studies have revealed the phenotypic and functional heterogeneity of mitochondria that exist within a single cell and can regulate metabolic signaling pathways, influencing the development of metabolic diseases. Excessive intake of fatty acids leads to changes in fatty acid metabolism that affect the biology of important cell organelles - the lipid droplets, whose specific biology is not fully understood. Perhaps targeted molecular genetic stimulation aimed at regulating the contact between mitochondria and lipids can break the vicious cycle of inflammation in MetS and restore normal cell function, reducing the risk of developing concomitant pathologies. The review describes potential (promising) therapeutic molecular targets associated with mitochondria and lipid droplets, focusing on the proteins involved in their contact and emphasizing their role in the pathogenesis of MetS.
Metabolic syndrome, mitochondria, insulin resistance, lipid droplet, fatty, liver disease.