Jordan Joon-Yip Lew and Yeun-Mun Choo* Pages 1 - 35 ( 35 )
Mangosteens, a prominent component of Garcinia mangostana, have been ex-tensively studied for their biological activities and structural modifications. Chemical methods, including cyclization reactions under acidic conditions, have yielded many de-rivatives, which often exhibit enhanced pharmacological properties compared to itself. Enzymatic biotransformation, such as glycosylation and oxidation mediated by fungal species and enzymes like horseradish peroxidase, have provided regioselective pathways to functionalized mangostin derivatives. These studies highlight the versatility of mangos-tin as a scaffold for designing compounds with tailored biological functions. Overall, mangosteen represents a promising platform for developing compounds with enhanced pharmacological activities, paving the way for innovative approaches in biomedicine and pharmaceutical sciences. This review provides a comprehensive examination of the chem-istry of mangosteens, detailing their total synthesis and the derivatives obtained through both chemical and enzymatic methodologies.
Garcinia mangostana, α-mangostin, β-mangostin, γ-mangostin, 9-hydroxycalabaxanthone, xanthones.