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Review Article

Surgical Advancements, Immunotherapy, Targeted and Conventional Therapies, Biopsy, Colposcopy, and Pap Smear Integration in the Management of Cervical Cancer


Siddhi Wargantiwar, Sankha Bhattacharya* and Abhishek Kanugo*   Pages 1 - 23 ( 23 )


Cervical cancer remains a significant global health concern, making it essential to investigate new treatment options continuously. This page provides an overview of the latest advancements and best practices in detection and intervention, including Pap smears, colposcopy, biopsy, immunotherapy, targeted therapies, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery. Surgical techniques such as radical hysterectomy and minimally invasive procedures have advanced to enhance patient outcomes and quality of life. Simultaneously, radiation therapy methods have been refined to maximize tumour control while reducing adverse effects. Chemotherapy remains vital, with new drugs and combination regimens demonstrating improved tolerance and efficacy. Immunotherapy, notably immune checkpoint inhibitors, has shown promise in advanced stages of cervical cancer. Additionally, targeted therapies that focus on specific biochemical pathways offer the potential for personalized treatment approaches. This review critically assesses ongoing research, evaluates existing data, and emphasizes the opportunities and challenges of each therapeutic approach. Ultimately, integrating these diverse treatment strategies is the key to enhancing patient outcomes.


Cervical cancer, pap smear test, colposcopy, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy


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