D. Ribatti, E. Crivellato and A. Vacca Pages 955 - 960 ( 6 )
The immune system regulates angiogenesis in cancer by means of pro- and anti-angiogenesis activities. In fact, both innate (macrophages, granulocytes, mast cells, dendritic cells, natural killer cells, and platelets) and adaptive (T and B lymphocytes) immune cells synthesize several pro- and anti-angiogenic mediators. Moreover, in pre-clinical models, a synergy has been observed between antiangiogenic molecules and immunotherapy. In this review article, we will focus on some angiogenenic and anti-angiogenic molecules properties of immune cells that may be utilized for a potential parmacological use as anti-angiogenic agents in cancer.
Angiogenesis,anti-angiogenesis,adaptive immunity,inflammation,innate immunity,lymphocytes,macrophages,mast cells,neutrophils,platelets,tumor progression
, , Department of Basic Medical Sciences,University of Bari Medical School, Piazza G. Cesare, 11, Policlinico, 70124 Bari, Italy.