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Recent Developments in Search of Antifilarial Agents

[ Vol. 13 , Issue. 27 ]


Rama Pati Tripathi, Diksha Katiyar, Namrata Dwivedi, Biswajit K. Singh and Jyoti Pandey   Pages 3319 - 3334 ( 16 )


Filariasis, caused by spirunid nematodes, is one of the most prevalent diseases of tropical and subtropical countries and encompasses a number of different pathological conditions. It has great impact on the socioeconomic conditions of the people affected with this disease. The most common type of filariasis is a lymphatic filariasis caused by a parasite that lives in human lymph system. Like malaria, it is also caused by mosquito bites. The life cycle of the parasite, pathogenesis and diagnosis of filariasis have been briefly reviewed here in. Different strategies to control this disease have been discussed with major emphasis on the mechanisms, merits and demerits of the existing drugs and the drugs under pipeline. New antifilarial prototypes discovered recently and finally the future perspective to control the disease have also been elucidated.


Wuchereria bancrofti,Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors,Filarial Genomics,Endosymbiont Bacteria,Diethylcarbamazine,Benzimidazole Derivatives


, , , , Medicinal and Process Chemistry Division, Central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow-226001-India.

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