A. I. Wertheimer Pages 1635 - 1638 ( 4 )
The history of Fixed Dose Combination (FDC) oral drug products has been tumultuous over its history. Some FDCs were prepared for marketing purposes and others for clinical improvements. Often, the products prepared for marketing advantage ended up causing negative outcomes. However, in recent years, there has been a resurgence of FDCs as clinicians have found them adventitious for treatment of AIDS/HIV and for oral contraceptives, just to name two examples. International regulatory Agencies and most major drug regulatory agencies have established guidelines along with regulations concerning preparation, labeling and marketing for FDCs. The advantages of FDCs are said to be in the clinical realm where simplified therapy regimens are thought to enhance patient’s medication taking compliance. On the financial side, health insurers and other payers normally save money from a decreased number of dispensing fees, the use of fewer bottles, labels, etc., and from the possible situation where the price of the FDC is less than the medication price of the two separate ingredients dispensed individually. Overall, there is a great deal of evidence in favor of appropriate FDCs.
Economics of fixed dose combinations, fixed dose combination finance, fixed dose combination policy, FDC history
School of Pharmacy, Temple University, Philadelphia PA 19140, USA.