M. Scotece, R. Gomez, J. Conde, V. Lopez, J.J. Gomez-Reino, F. Lago, A.B. Smith III and O. Gualillo Pages 2467 - 2475 ( 9 )
Multiple myeloma (MM) is a plasma cell malignancy that causes devastating bone destruction by activating osteoclasts in the bone marrow milieu. MM is the second of all hematological malignancies. Thus, the search for new pharmacological weapons is under intensive investigation being MM a critically important public health goal. Recently, it has been demonstrated that macrophage inflammatory protein 1- alpha (MIP-1α) is crucially involved in the development of osteolytic bone lesions in MM. Phenolic components of extra virgin olive oil are reported to have anti tumor activity. However, the underlying mechanisms and specific targets of extra virgin olive oil remain to be elucidated. In the present study, we investigated the effects of a recently isolated novel extra virgin olive oil polyphenol, oleocanthal, on the human multiple myeloma cell line ARH-77. Here we report that this natural compound has a remarkable in vitro activity by inhibiting MIP-1α expression and secretion in MM cells. In addition, we also demonstrated that oleocanthal inhibits MM cells proliferation by inducing the activation of apoptosis mechanisms and by down-regulating ERK1/2 and AKT signal transduction pathways. This in vitro study suggests a therapeutic potential of oleocanthal in treating multiple myeloma.
Apoptosis, chemokines, multiple myeloma, natural drugs, nutraceuticals, oleocanthal, proliferation.
, , , , , , , SERGAS, Santiago University Clinical Hospital Research Laboratory 9 (NEIRID LAB: Laboratory of Neuroendocrine Interactions in Rheumatology and Inflammatory Diseases), Institute of Medical Research (IDIS), Santiago de Compostela, 15706, Spain.