L. M.M. Vieira and A. Kijjoa Pages 2413 - 2446 ( 34 )
A literature survey covering the report of naturally occurring xanthones from January 2000 to December 2004, with 219 references, is presented in this review. Among 515 xanthones reported in this period, 278 were new natural xanthones. These xanthones have been identified from 20 families of higher plants (122 species in 44 genera), fungi (19 species) and lichens (3 species). The structural formulas of 368 identified xanthones, their distribution and a brief mention of their biological properties are also included.
naturally occurring xanthones,biological activity,distribution
, ICBAS - Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas de Abel Salazar, Universidade do Porto, Largo Prof.Abel Salazar, 2, 4099-003, Porto, Portugal.