Bharat Gadakh and Arthur Van Aerschot Pages 2140 - 2158 ( 19 )
With the alarming resistance to currently used antibiotics, there is a serious worldwide threat to public health. Therefore, there is an urgent need to search for new antibiotics or new cellular targets which are essential for survival of the pathogens. However, during the past 50 years, only two new classes of antibiotics (oxazolidinone and lipopeptides) have reached the clinic. This suggests that the success rate in discovering new/novel antibiotics using conventional approaches is limited and that we must reconsider our antibiotic discovery approaches. While many new strategies are being pursued lately, this review primarily focuses only on a few of these novel/new approaches for antibiotic discovery. These include structure-based drug design (SBDD), the genomic approach, anti-virulence strategy, targeting nonmultiplying bacteria and the use of bacteriophages. In general, recent advancements in nuclear magnetic resonance, Xcrystallography, and genomic evolution have significant impact on antibacterial drug research. This review therefore aims to discuss recent strategies in searching new antibacterial agents making use of these technical novelties, their advantages, disadvantages and limitations.
Acylated homoserine lactone, antibiotics, antibiotic discovery, antivirulence strategy, autoinducers, bacteriophages, genomic approach, non-multiplying bacteria, phage therapy, quorum sensing, resistance, screening strategies, structure-based drug design.
, KU Leuven - University of Leuven, Medicinal Chemistry, Rega Institute for Medical Research, Minderbroedersstraat 10, 3000 Leuven, Belgium.