Oana Hosu, Giulia Selvolini, Cecilia Cristea and Giovanna Marrazza* Pages 4119 - 4137 ( 19 )
Background: The detection of biological molecules referred as biomarkers in biological fluids is fundamental in clinical analysis because it permits to discriminate between healthy and ill individuals and to evaluate the progress of a disease. The development of immunosensors for the detection and monitoring of biomarkers is currently a major area of research and, as more markers are discovered and their role in disease becomes better understood, this will continue to grow.
Methods: We report the research progresses of electrochemical immunosensor applied in clinical analysis that have been published in the last three years.
Results: The emphasis of this review is on the advances of the electrochemical immunosensors for detection and monitoring of cancerous, cardiovascular and neurological diseases. An immunosensor overview was presented as well as the biomarkers and biosensing systems currently used to detect the onset and monitor the progression of the mentioned diseases.
Conclusions: Electrochemical biosensors focusing on a vast repertoire of analytes are now becoming one of the most widely explored scientific fields. This is due to their enormous potential in clinical diagnosis and biological process monitoring.
In the near future, with the development of transducer technology, nano-sized material technology, and biomolecules engineering technology, biosensors should be powerful tools in several analytical areas.
Immunosensors, biomarker, cancer, cardiac, autoimmune, electrochemical.
Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy , Department of Chemistry , Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy , Department of Chemistry