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Review Article

Nanoparticles for SPECT and PET Imaging: Towards Personalized Medicine and Theranostics

[ Vol. 25 , Issue. 34 ]


Andras Polyak* and Tobias L. Ross*   Pages 4328 - 4353 ( 26 )


Background: PET and SPECT imaging methods can be of excellent assistance for the development of new nanoparticle drug delivery systems, and at the same time, these investigations also offer the opportunity to produce exceptional new diagnostic and therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals, as well.

With a multifunctional, nano-scaled drug delivery system, the diagnostic (imaging) methods and the therapy (delivering drugs or beta-emitter radionuclides) can be carried out using the same biological and pharmacological mechanisms. By combining therapy and diagnostics in one method or in one specifically targeted nanoparticle system, we can product theranostic pharmaceuticals, and its applications are important elements of personalized medicine.

Objectives: This review takes a short historical look back to the radiocolloids, the great ancestors of (radiolabeled) nanoparticles and then describes the general features of current types of PET and SPECT imaging associated nanoparticle-based products and key radiolabeling methods; entering into details of potential prospective challenges related to radiotheranostic approaches and imaging guided therapy.


PET, SPECT, nanomedicine, nanoparticles, theranostics, personalized medicine.


Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Hannover Medical School, Hannover

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