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Article Details

Noninvasive Genotyping of Dopamine Receptor D4 (DRD4) UsingNanograms of DNA From Substance-Dependent Patients

[ Vol. 9 , Issue. 8 ]


K. Boor, Z. Ronai, Z. Nemoda, P. Gaszner, M. Sasvari-Szekely, A. Guttman and H. Kalasz   Pages 793 - 797 ( 5 )


A noninvasive DNA sampling method has been implemented collecting buccalmucosa cells by cotton wool swabs. An amount of 0.2-2 μg DNA per patient wasobtained after the phenol-extraction procedure and 0.2-2 ng DNA template wassufficient for PCR amplification of the polymorphic 48 basepair repeat region of dopaminereceptor D4 (DRD4) gene. PCR products were visualized during microfabricated electrophoretic separationby laser-induced fluorescent detection and automatic data registration. Initial data of genotyping drugdependentsubjects shows a relatively high ratio of heterozygotes, possessing either longer or shorter variantsbeside the common 4-repeat DRD4 allele.


doamine d4 recetor,genotyping,noninvasive dna samling,buccal swab


, , , , , , Instituteof Medical Chemistry, Molecular Biology and Pathobiochemistry,Semmelweis University, H-1444 Budapest 8, POB 260, Hungary

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