Author(s): Kuo-Chen Chou
Pages: i-i (1)
Author(s): Kuo-Chen Chou
Pages: 2105-2134 (30)
Author(s): Paul D. Dobson, Yu-Dong Cai, Benjamin J. Stapley and Andrew J. Doig
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Author(s): Wei-Min Liu
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Author(s): Jian-Guo Geng, Ming Chen and Kuo-Chen Chou
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Author(s): G. J. Kontoghiorghes, K. Pattichis, K. Neocleous and A. Kolnagou
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Author(s): Thomas Kislinger, Andreas Humeny and Monika Pischetsrieder
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Author(s): S. Walenta, T. Schroeder and W. Mueller-Klieser
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Author(s): I. Carpentier, B. Coornaert and R. Beyaert
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Author(s): Christina R. Harris and Atli Thorarensen
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