Author(s): Paolo Montuschi
Pages: 1461-1463 (3)
Author(s): P. Montuschi, F. Macagno, S. Valente and L. Fuso
Pages: 1464-1476 (13)
Author(s): L. Fuso, N. Mores, S. Valente, M. Malerba and P. Montuschi
Pages: 1477-1495 (19)
Author(s): S. Biswas, J. W. Hwang, P. A. Kirkham and I. Rahman
Pages: 1496-1530 (35)
Author(s): Peter J. Barnes
Pages: 1531-1540 (10)
Author(s): G. L. Beretta, L. Gatti, P. Perego and N. Zaffaroni
Pages: 1541-1565 (25)
Author(s): Nicola Fenderico, Anna Casamichele, Valentina Profumo, Nadia Zaffaroni and Paolo Gandellini
Pages: 1566-1584 (19)
Author(s): Jeffrey S. Vervacke, Yen-Chih Wang and Mark D. Distefano
Pages: 1585-1594 (10)
Author(s): D. Fernandez, I. Pallares, G. Covaleda, F. X. Aviles and J. Vendrell
Pages: 1595-1608 (14)
Author(s): Iranzu Lamberto, Daniel Plano, Esther Moreno, Maria Font, Juan Antonio Palop, Carmen Sanmartin and Ignacio Encio
Pages: 1609-1619 (11)