Author(s): Andrea Guiotto, Andrea Calderan, Paolo Ruzza and Gianfranco Borin
Pages: 2293-2315 (23)
Author(s): Shu-Hui Chen and Seng-Lai Tan
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Author(s): Mauro Gobbini and Alberto Cerri
Pages: 2343-2355 (13)
Author(s): Carlo M. Bergamini, Martin Griffin and Francesco S. Pansini
Pages: 2357-2372 (16)
Author(s): Esther C. Y. Woon and Michael D. Threadgill
Pages: 2373-2392 (20)
Author(s): J. Pratuangdejkul, B. Schneider, P. Jaudon, V. Rosilio, E. Baudoin, S. Loric, M. Conti, J- M. Launay and P. Manivet
Pages: 2393-2410 (18)